Italian Banquet 2025

Feb. 5th, 2025 Meeting – Italian Banquet and Awards Ceremony

Sign-ups are now open!!!

The February 5th, 2025 Club meeting will feature the 19th Annual Italian Banquet and Awards Ceremony. Starting at 6:30PM, and running until 8PM, the Club will serve a full Italian dinner consisting of Caesar Salad, Spaghetti with Meatballs, Dessert and Soft Drinks/Juices. This event is being served at the regular meeting location by members of the BOD, and other volunteers. Following dinner, we will conduct a short, informal Awards Ceremony to recognize a number of individuals who’s contributions to the Club were especially noteworthy this past year!! Immediately after the Banquet and Awards Ceremony, we will hold the regular monthly business meeting at approximately 8PM.

This event promises to be a lot of fun for the whole club! Won’t you please plan to attend and show your support for the 495th R/C Squadron, Inc.?? Our Club is only as strong as we all make it, so let’s build a strong and vibrant club together!!

The cost for the Banquet is $5.00 per person! Yes folks, that’s right, five dollars, and that includes a complete dinner!! In order to encourage member participation in this event, we are offering the banquet at a very modest fee, with the Club contributing the difference! Because we expect a large turn-out, you must sign up for the Banquet in advance as we must provide the caterer with an accurate head count. Please use the form below to notify us of your intention to attend the Italian Banquet and Awards Ceremony in April!!

You must pre-register to take part in the Banquet and Awards Ceremony. All money for the event will be collected at the door on the night of the Banquet.

Pre-Register Here

    Members Currently Signed Up:

    John Morley (2)
    Bill Smeltzer (3)
    Joel Ventura (3)
    John Burke (1)
    Lew Sanderson (1)
    Steve Terry (1)
    Joseph Gramolini (1)
    Carl LoContiĀ  (1)
    Bob Merlino (2)
    Bob Goulet (1)
    Calvin Hsieh (2)
    Eddie DiGiuseppe (1)
    Mike Wall (1)
    Gary Wooster (2)
    Ron Cooper (1)
    Dan Knightly (1)
    Jamie Boudreau (2)
    Bill Lentine (1)
    Rob Janoch (1)
    Ralph Dionne (1)
    Jim Peavey (1)
    Greg Thompson (1)
    Mike Chase (1)
    Vin Caccamesi (1)
    Mark Auclair (1)
    Bob Van Laethem (1)
    John Pinneau (1)
    Rob Montgomery (1)
    Mark Pied (1)
    Lew Sanderson (1)
    Mickey Shih (1)
    Bart Navarro (1)

    Total Confirmed: 41


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